A young and
frightened woman stands in the parking lot of a nondescript medical building, hugging her fiancée. The life she hasn’t yet lived suddenly looms in jeopardy... the
wedding she is just beginning to plan, marriage, a career, travel, pregnancy,
motherhood… the future that is so big in her 19-year-old eyes.
She has a small lump in her left
breast and is about to go inside for an ultrasound. Her paternal grandmother had
breast cancer late in life, which is enough to make the possibility
frighteningly plausible. She has a tearful prayer in the arms of the young man
she can’t wait to marry and then makes her way inside alone to discover what will become
of her.
The ultrasound technician squeezes the cold gel onto her chest and slides the wand over the small lump. After a few
minutes, the technician leaves the room to get the radiologist for a second opinion, which of course further incites
the fears of the young woman. But the doctor who comes in, rather quickly determines the lump to be
nothing but a cyst that will heal in time. The oh-so-young woman,
awash in relief, leaves to return comfortably into her life that is unfolding
with normalcy and good-fortune.
She is innocent and happy; she is perfectly
healthy - or so she will think for another nine years.
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